Good Enough, 2013 What I was doing was no longer good enough. What we were doing was no longer good enough. What he was doing was no longer good enough. And yet what I was doing was good enough. What we were doing was good enough. He still wasn't good enough. Good Enough was a performance at Coagula Curatorial, that consisted of me attempting to ingest and then vomit 147 glasses of red kool aid; the amount needed to spell out "Good Enough". As I attempted to drink all of the glasses to the soundtrack of Mozart's Requiem, I thought of the performance as an intersection of spectacle, horror, and the feminine. Simultaneously, I was "killing off" a series of performances that involved a level of risk that put me in serious danger and implicated my audience as the non-consensual responsible party. As I did what I felt was my final life-threatening performance, something happened that I had wanted to happen for two years of risk-based performance, someone stopped me. The curator stopped me.